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Project information

Calculation of water value curves and feasible disaggregation of the cleared program among the physical units

J. García-González P. Otaola-Arca

January 2021 - May 2021

Funding entity Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L

This project is part of the development of the decision support tools EXCOM and EXLA. The first objective of this project is to put into production the module that allows the construction of water value curves for each hydro plant. The second objective is to develop a module that makes it possible to obtain the feasible disaggregation of the clared program among the physical units that belong to the bidding unit.

Layman's summary: This project belongs to a series of R&D activities oriented to develop the decision support models EXCOM (optimal hourly scheduling of the whole portfolio in market environment) and EXLA (stochastic optimization of the annual operation of the hydro reservoirs).
