This project has the following points or objectives: - Analysis of Current Energy Policies: Examining existing energy policies and their historical trajectory will be conducted to understand the current context and the situation we have reached. - Study of Determining Factors: A comprehensive study of determining factors, such as weather variability and technological advancements influencing the rise of such technology, will be undertaken. Temporal Evolution of Solar Penetration: Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of Solar Penetration. Over recent years, investigating and documenting the installed solar generation capacity in the Iberian Peninsula, identifying temporal patterns and trends. - Time Series Regression Modeling: Temporal regression techniques based on thorough chronological data analysis will be employed to quantify the relationship between previously identified factors and the expansion of solar energy. This methodology will be applied with the aim of understanding the dynamics of solar energy expansion, identifying significant patterns and trends over time.
Erica Méndez Delgado