It is estimated that between 33.8 and 82.3 million people in the EU (between 6.6% and 16.2% of the population) suffer from energy poverty. In this context, the European Union set up the European Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV) in 2016. One of the key objectives of the Observatory was to make a proposal for methodologically consistent indicators across all Member States. To this end, four main indicators were selected, as well as a battery of secondary indicators. EPOV ended its project in 2020 and the new European Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH, that replaced it) wants to further deepen the calculation of these indicators. The Chair of Energy and Poverty has developed a versatile tool that allows the calculation of the main EPOV indicators and two alternative indicators for the Spanish case. The indicators' results are annually updated and presented publicly. The aim of this Master thesis is to extend this tool to a group of EU Member States (ideally to all the MS whose data are reflected in the EU-HBS and EU-SILC) in order to monitor energy poverty beyond the Spanish borders and further contribute to the EPAH activities.
Álvaro de Egaña Marín