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Exploiting Flexibility in Water Treatment Plants for Power System Operation: Integrating Energy Storage and Load Modulation

With the increasing demand for flexibility in power system operation, sectors like water treatment offer untapped potential to support grid stability. This thesis explores how water treatment plants can provide flexibility by leveraging water tanks as energy storage for load shifting, and by modulating energy consumption through differentiated control of pumping machines. The research will analyse how water treatment operations can be optimized to offer grid services such as demand response, peak shaving, and load balancing, while maintaining the essential functions of the water sector. By investigating operational strategies, infrastructure constraints, and potential financial benefits, the thesis aims to develop a comprehensive framework for integrating water treatment plants into flexibility markets. The outcomes of this research will help outline how this sector can contribute to a more resilient and efficient power system, while minimizing the operational costs and environmental impacts of water treatment processes.

Ofertado en

  • Máster en el Sector Eléctrico (MEPI) - (MEPI)
  • Máster en Ingeniería Industrial (electrotécnico) - (MII-E)