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A Decision-Making Tool for Investment, Procurement and Operation of Aggregators in Electricity Markets

The main objective of this work is the development of an integrated toll to optimize investment, procurement, and operation decisions of an aggregator in electricity markets, capable of coupling the short and long-term horizons. The tool will be developed in GAMS, as a stochastic optimization model, its validation will be based on some case studies using real data from the Spanish electricity market. The problem will be solved for three different aggregators business models (Integrated Supply Aggregator, Delegated Independent Aggregator, and Consumer Aggregator), each one with a different objective function. Other aspects of the work's originality are also described: i) better modeling of uncertainties, especially the climatological and price ones; ii) correct definition of time intervals in the optimization process; iii) consideration of all the different markets where the aggregator can operate.

Offered in

  • Máster en Ingeniería Industrial (electrónico) - (MII-N)