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Analysis of the Decarbonization Potential of Heat Pumps in the Spanish Energy System and Their Impact on the Most Vulnerable Families

This Master's Thesis evaluates the techno-economic feasibility of deploying heat pumps as a key technology for the decarbonization of the residential sector in Spain. The study focuses on analyzing the impact of this technology on CO2 emission reductions, improvements in energy efficiency, and its social and economic benefits, with special attention to vulnerable households. For this purpose, the openMASTER model, an energy planning tool developed by the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, is used. The objective is to analyze how heat pumps can alleviate energy poverty while contributing to the decarbonization goals set in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), improving energy efficiency and promoting social well-being within the framework of the European energy transition.


Dácil Sicilia Guelbenzu

Offered in

  • Máster en Ingeniería Industrial (mecánico) - (MII-M)