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Project information

Thematic network of optimization under uncertainty

A. Ramos Á. Baíllo J. García-González

June 2005 - May 2006

Funding entity Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

The creation of this thematic network seeks the following objectives:
1. Increasing the knowledge of the research topics of each others by organizing yearly workshops to exchange experiences and lines of activities.
2. Spreading the methodology and applications of the optimization under uncertainty in the society by the creation and maintenance of a dedicated web site and by the edition of a textbook about the topic.
3. Training by the organization of doctoral and postgraduate courses.
4. Increasing the joining activities of the members favouring the presentation of coordinated projects to the R&D&I National Plan, join publications, co-direction of research works and doctoral theses.
5. Interconnection with European researchers to participate in VI Framework Programme and Marie Curie Actions.
The actions to be done during the proposal time scope will be centred on the following guidelines:
1. Advances in algorithms and methods.
2. Development of applications for different industries.
3. Spread the network activities in the university and industry environments.
4. Organization of postgraduate courses