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Project information

Analysis of energy consumption on metropolitan railways, commuter railways and high speed lines

A.P. Cucala A. Fernández-Cardador E. Pilo A. Ramos C. Sicre R.R. Pecharromán J.M. Rodríguez M. Domínguez A.J. López López

December 2007 - March 2010

Funding entity Ministerio de Fomento (CEDEX)

Participated by Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, Metro de Madrid, Renfe Operadora, Ferrocarriles Generalitat Catalunya, Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, Dimetronic Signals, Patentes Talgo, CAF, Team, MTorres, DETREN, TMB (Ferrocarril Metropolità Barcelona, S.A.)

Adjustable simulation models are developed to analyse consumption reduction strategies involving the efficient design of both railway timetables and train operation. Particularly, focused on the operation of high speed lines, and specific models for metropolitan lines and commuter trains. The results of these simulation-based studies will be tested in two actual cases.
In addition, all aspects related to energy supply are analysed: electrification voltage, electrical diagrams, cogeneration, returning energy, static storage, etc.